5 annoying things in your trading system and how can you solve the problem

5 annoying things in your trading system and how can you solve the problem

There are many traders who will testify that trading in the capital market is inherently accompanied by excitement, tension and sometimes nerves, but these do not necessarily compare to the moments of frustration when the trading system gets stuck or there is difficulty in accessing essential and important information.
12 min to read

There are many traders who will testify that trading in the capital market is inherently accompanied by excitement, tension and sometimes nerves, but these do not necessarily compare to the moments of frustration when the trading system gets stuck or there is difficulty in accessing essential and important information. The encouraging part of the story is that for every collection of annoying elements there is a simple solution that can make a huge difference. Here are 5 things you wish you could solve in your outdated trading system - and how to do it

Amit Gurion | VP of independent trading IBI TRADE

Broadcasting instructions and frequently visiting the trading system is not something unusual in an age of technological progress, but it turns out that this is still a disturbing issue that independent traders have to deal with due to trading platforms that rely on outdated technology and infrastructure. We certainly do not intend to be alerted for an incorrect username or password, nor will we be petty in rare cases that can be attributed to Mr. Murphy, but as soon as certain cases detract from the user experience, create disadvantages for the merchant and reduce his capabilities, it is important to address it. Take a breath, here they are in front of you.

Imagine or replay, for those of you who use an outdated trading system, the moment you log into the system and suddenly you see an "unexplained" jump in the stock. You are frantically looking for the trigger behind the jump, trying to understand what you missed and whether there is an interesting investment opportunity here. Just before you despair, the solution to the puzzle appeared and you were exposed to information explaining the rise in the stock.

It is likely that in those moments of delay you lost your momentum, and the delay actually took away from you the possibility of taking advantage of the investment opportunity. Alternatively, in the least pleasant case, such a scenario may prevent the ability to cut off a loss in the stock you own, as long as you do not have the necessary information as to the reason. Now imagine how you could act if every piece of relevant information was presented to you in real time within the trading system itself.

Repeated technical faults

In 2015, in the middle of the trading day, a storm broke out in the New York Stock Exchange when a sudden and unusual malfunction caused a temporary disconnection of the information systems and an incorrect data presentation of transactions and rates. After the trading was stopped for about 4 hours, it turned out that the source of the problem was in the system infrastructure that required a software update, but of course this did not prevent the panic that gripped traders who saw how the portfolio "collapsed" in an instant. So how does this story relate to our case?

Quite a few of the trading platforms that exist in the market are considered outdated and technologically retarded, and if one of the largest stock exchange systems in the world was affected by this, you surely understand the potential in relation to private trading platforms. This means that in the absence of technological improvements and software updates, the systems tend to a relatively high frequency of such and other failures (delay in receiving information, delay in transmitting instructions, stagnation in the command book, etc.). For the merchants these are of course annoying moments, some would define it a little less politely.

The stock is intriguing, but what do we do from here?

In the capital market, news, reviews and references to more or less interesting stocks are constantly emerging, and investors usually react intuitively to this by looking for additional reliable information that will provide an indication of whether there is an investment opportunity here. This matter requires spending quite a bit of time locating the sources of information, searching for the latest company reports, financial data, financial reports and the list goes on.

When there is no concentration of current news and financial information within the trading system, it is of course very inconvenient and annoying, but beyond that, it may drag investors who are not skilled enough to be exposed to old, incorrect or distorted information, so the quality of the investment can also be accordingly.

Missed the timing

Anyone who trades using an outdated system that only allows for the execution of basic trading orders, knows that frequently monitoring the behavior of a stock can be discouraging and exhausting when you are anxiously waiting for it to reach the intended price. This matter obviously takes a lot of time. However, sometimes the wait may turn out to be useless if it is a long follow-up, sometimes days, so it is easy to miss the timing of the transmission of the command. There is nothing to expand on, annoying is the exact definition.

The solution is simpler than you thought

And hence to the encouraging part of the story. The technological innovation, digital processes and ground-breaking developments provide a comprehensive answer to all the problems, deficiencies and malfunctions listed above and which characterize the outdated trading systems. And what should you do? Just decide that you simply do not settle for less than perfect.

Recently at IBI Investment House we launched the innovative trading application IBI SMART , which brings with it good news for the independent traders in Israel and makes all of the aforementioned a solution. For example, the account opening procedure is carried out digitally in the application itself and through a few simple and quick steps. The traders benefit from receiving information and quotes in real time, at the same time as a huge financial and news database, the result of cooperation with the global TipRanks and hoopsAI.

The application also offers advanced trading orders, receiving personal service from the service representatives (throughout all trading hours in Israel and the USA), applying for credit and leveraging in an easy and fast digital procedure, building personal watch lists and the sheet is short of containing the multitude of functions, features and services that await you in the application.

And wait, there is also good news regarding the technical matter. The team of in-house programmers of IBI Beit Investments are responsible for the development and operation of the application, so that there is enormous flexibility in troubleshooting, responding to requests from customers, implementing new features and updating versions as needed. And of course, as one of the oldest stock exchange members in the market, IBI Investment House offers low trading fees, which embody differences of tens and hundreds of percent compared to those charged in banks. We said the solution is simpler than you thought.